Potato Stacks

For Thanksgiving this year we found some yummy new traditions. This is not exactly Vegan, but I adjusted to be non-cow dairy based. This gave it some fun, because after all Thanksgiving is about indulging just a little.

On my Kitchen-aid Mixer I have an amazing slicer attachment that made it supper easy to slice the potatoes.

The other ingredients I mixed in a bowl separately. It would be a good idea to warm the cheese a little. Then add the potatoes and throughly coat with seasoning.

Here�s the simple ingredients:

5 Potatoes (Red or Golden)
1/4 C Goat Cheese
1 T No salt seasoning
3 T Fresh Thyme or 1 T dried
3 T Fresh Chives, chopped (you can also used dried onions)
Salt to taste

At home for my first attempt I simply stacked the potatoes in a muffin pan and they worked great. For the big family meal I used a casserole dish and made individual stacks, which worked just as well.

Once mixed and stacked bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 35 minuets THE VERY important part (I messed this up). Cover with Aluminum foil! After the 35 minuets take the foil off and bake 20 minuets more. Watch for the top potatoes to be brown and crunchy.

To find a video and the original version I converted from go to Tastemade.


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