O’Bralaigh Farm

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Peas, Herbs & Turnips!

I haven’t been in the garden for a week. So many things to do, but also very exciting to see all the happy plants. The first goal today was to steak up the snap peas. The plants are looking so healthy and are doing much better than the ones we tried to plant in the spring. I have used tomato cages at the ends of the rows and added some fence posts and string today to help with training them to grow up and not on the ground.

I seeded some herbs in pots all the way back on August 30 and haven’t put them in the ground before now. Today I added to the herb corner: Chamomile, Cilantro, Marjoram, Dill and Parsley. These may more may not make it through frost just around the corner.

The herbs that were started back in the spring, and survived, are doing amazing. Thyme keeps spreading and today it was showing some flowers. The lemon balm is going crazy. I keep cutting it back every couple weeks and here’s the before and after shots today.

What’s growing in the first row today. Onions, Leeks, Orach, Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Parsley, Carrots, Beets, Kale, Kale and more Kale. Somehow I missed getting a picture of the lettuce, but it’s doing amazing too.

The Fava Beans are looking nice and standing up tall. I have never planted these before or known anyone that has, so its a fun experiment this year.

What Else is growing? Okra is looking healthy and there’s lots of little buds, but the actual production is very slow. Which I am expecting from the cooler weather we’ve had. It’s getting down in the 40s at night. The green beans are still alive and there’s a few beans on the plants, but I think they are done producing. The big row of broccoli and cauliflower still going strong. Then the newer transplanted rows of broccoli and Brussel sprouts.

These tomatoes were transplanted from the pruning a while ago. The are actually producing tomatoes. There are lots of aphids on the plants I need to kill so I can move them inside for the winter.

The strawberry plants (there’s 3 that have survived) are doing wonderful and have lots of berries and blooms. Today I was able to pick three. Some of the tomatoes are ripening a little each day. Picked close to the last of the green beans. Looking at the turnips and found a big one today.