Kohlrabi & Apples

The fall is almost over and winter is coming, so the garden is slowing down. But not done. I have purposely planted items I hope will last until spring planting. Blog posts will be less though as we just watch the plants enjoy the cooler weather.

I will be slowly deconstructing the fencing for the corn field a little at a time. This week though I spent some time working on our backpacking food and you can find that post Here. The few things to talk about in the garden this week include…

The tomatoes that are still slowly giving me new little gems. I had a parsley rotting in the ground, so I pulled up the greens to take in the house.

The Kolhrabi surprised me today and is starting to get bigger. After reading about recipe options I decided to try it raw. The leaves we had enjoyed in a salad a few weeks ago, but the bulb this week. If you cook it the outer skin would probably get soft and eatable. However, raw the outer layer is too tough and must be pealed off. But it surprisingly was pretty good and had a similar taste to turnips.

We don’t have enough apple trees to supply our family completely, so I took a drive to Rellim Orchard in Kearneysville, WV. What a very nice man that owns the place and picks all the apples himself. I was so amazed at the great options I forgot to get pics of the apples.


Green Tomato Harvest & Fall Garden


Peas, Herbs & Turnips!