O’Bralaigh Farm

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Free Meal

I have been having lots of discussions with my kids about budgets and money lately. We have randomly had this discussion throughout their lives, but recently I setup a system (I have been wanting to do for years) where I give them the cash for a week and then they have to buy the groceries at the store and plan their school lunches. It’s not perfect yet and we are still tweaking. However, I have loved watching these teenage kids hunt through the store, compare prices, look at ingredients, work together on sharing the burden of cost and plan a balanced meal.

One of the things I mentioned when at the grocery store, is that anything out of the garden is free. At the moment, tomatoes are coming in. So, they can have all the tomatoes they want and it won’t cost them anything. Any of the vegetables they would choose at the store is free at home.

If you have read any of my previous blog posts, you will see that it’s been a struggle to get this garden moving in the right direction, and honestly I want to give up some days (and have for just a day or two). Right this moment it’s doing pretty good and we have tomatoes, bell peppers, okra, hot peppers, carrots, basil and other herbs.

Today, as I ate my lunch I realized what I was eating was all “Free”. I know it cost money for the seeds, the gardening supplies and it took time out of my day. But, as we continue gardening in the future those costs as spread thinner over each season.

Just for the moment I am going to enjoy my free meal, the satisfaction of growing something myself, and thankful that this little farm has provided me something to eat.

Here is what is in the bowl today:

Spaghetti Squash (from my parents, but someday from me)
Tomatoes sauce (from my tomatoes!!)
Brussel Sprouts

So there is a tiny part that was not free. My Vegan Parmesan I sprinkled on top.