O’Bralaigh Farm

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Fall / Winter Garden

The winter garden has been enjoyable. Not much work as I have just let it grow as it wants. But still lots of things to enjoy eating. I have combined a lot of days into one big post.

11-3-20. First frost happened a few days ago, and just checking the plants to see how they handled the season change. Today was checking the sweet potatoes, tomatoes, & Okra. They actually survived better than I expected.

11-5-20 We had already stripped the green tomatoes from the plants about a week ago and they are all ripening in the basement. These were slightly red and so continued their process well in the house and we had some wonderful yummy treats.

11-6-20 Because the potatoes are below ground I wasn’t concerned about digging immediately for frost. I had a few minuets today and check on our harvest. Out of 6 plants this was our harvest. It looks like this was a failed crop for the season. These were planted in the same area as the corn. Something is wrong with the dirt I think and we will have to find a solution before next year’s garden.

11-15-20 A walk through the garden to see how things are looking.

11-15-20 I decided to pull out all the tomatoes plants. They weren’t dead, but we had stripped the plants a few weeks ago and the cold wasn’t making them grow any longer.

11-28-20. Planted garlic that was sprouting in the house. I’m afraid it may be to cold in the season. High 50 a low 45 and will rain tomorrow. Just curious if it will work… (no pictures). 11-30-20 I Love, Love, Love that my greens shopping consists of a short walk to the garden. And they will be here all winter Today’s picking: Kale, Canbbage, Beets, Tuenips, Choy, Lettuce, and Orach

12-1-20 Broccoli Growing. This is so exciting! Our first time ever to have success with this! But, I found a worm during the cold season! Must Spray all plants!

12-10-20 Walk through the garden and video tour. Everything looks great. Highlights: First snap pea and HUGE Parsley Root.

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12-17-20 Our first big snow covers the garden. (See picture at top)

12-28-20 Winter harvest goodies. And our first Broccoli!!